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The M25 Youth Group Visit Clifton! - Serve God by Serving Others

Clifton Supporter

"I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."
Matthew 25:40

Atlanta youth group serves supper and tours the Clifton Sanctuary Ministries Homeless Shelter for Men
The M25 Camp Visited Clifton Sanctuary Ministries

M25 Mission Program visits Clifton Sanctuary Ministries! Yesterday we had the honor of hosting some amazing young adults. We started out with a quick history of Clifton. The group then took a tour of Clifton Sanctuary Ministries where they saw the kitchen, living areas and how Clifton helps guests get on their feet again. They served supper and communed with our guests.

The M25 ministries were helping in a big way at Clifton. Clifton has many needs for our guests. One of the many things we need are hygiene kits. The group along with their leaders made hygiene kits for the guests. As you can see here the box is overflowing!

Young person bringing hygiene kits to the guests at Clifton Sanctuary Ministries Atlanta homeless shelter for men
M25 Mission Group Brings Hygiene Kits to Clifton Sanctuary Ministries

The M25 youth group serving supper to the guests at Clifton Sanctuary Ministries a Atlanta Homeless Shelter for men
The M25 Youth Group serving supper at Clifton Sanctuary Ministries in Atlanta

To give you a little history, M25 is a mission program designed to bring students together to serve God by serving others. At the core of M25 is realizing that service is not about pity or obligation. It's about compassion, love, and pursuing Jesus.

M25 focuses less on manual labor and more on relational ministry as students get a rare chance to meet, to know, and to minister to people from a different side of life. They will bring hope to the hopeless and be able to walk as Jesus did as they seek out the least of these.

We want to thank the M25 group for their service. These young people and their chaperons are making a positive difference in peoples lives!

Thanks again!

Clifton Sanctuary Ministries

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