Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

We are so lucky to have so many wonderful volunteers at Clifton Sanctuary Ministries! If you have been following our blog you have seen all the support that we get from different churches and other Atlanta organizations.
We also have veteran volunteers like Larry Martin from Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church in Lilburn, Georgia. Larry has been volunteering his time an talents for many years at Clifton. He has been volunteering his time so long that he knew Joe from Joe's Place. Not only has Larry been donating his time he also prays for our guests. As you can see Larry is a great example of 2 Corinthians. Larry knows how to "Give Joyfully!".
Please contact us at Clifton. We are in constant need of people who want to share their talents and donations to the shelter. We always need underwear, socks and laundry detergent. We go though a lot laundry! If you can not give please pray for us! Your prayers are much appreciated!
Thank you so much for visiting our blot at Clifton Sanctuary Ministries. I hope you keep coming back and get to know what we do for the Atlanta homeless.
Thanks again!
Clifton Sanctuary Ministries